Une alliance nationale visant à fournir une base factuelle pour l'établissement et l'intégration des nouveaux arrivants, ainsi que pour la promotion de communautés accueillantes au Canada
Often overlooked in the analysis of immigrant retention is the role that family members play as anchors in a community. The need to understand the role of the family in the immigration experience is considered critical by service providers and researchers, however, little empirical work…
This project is an attempt to answer two questions: 1) Why does a mismatch exist between the implied value of recent immigrants by national immigration policy and that implied by firm-level practices? 2) What can be done to fix it?
Although annual immigration levels in Canada have been between 200,000 to 300,000 persons annually since 2000, relatively few of those immigrants chose to live in NB. Of those that did, a significant proportion have subsequently left the province. With its relatively older population distribution, substantial…
Durant cette dernière décennie, le nombre d’inscription d’étudiants internationaux dans des institutions d’éducation canadiennes a augmenté rapidement. Cela n’est pas surprenant au regard de l’engagement récent du gouvernement canadien d’augmenter le nombre d’étudiants internationaux faisant leurs études au Canada, et les politiques mises en place…
Do the knowledge, language skills, experience, and contacts of immigrant business owners constitute valuable resources when conducting business globally? Or do these attributes make them overconfident, and therefore less able to derive advantages from internationalizing? Immigrants are generally recognized for their strong entrepreneurial orientation. When…
Previous research on older immigrants in Canada focused on their health problems and utilization of health care services. Despite the fact that older immigrants consistently support their families and communities, there is a lack of research on older immigrants’ contributions. Research objectives were: (1) To…
This research explores how newcomer experiences and experiences of immigration are expressed through the creative arts and how experiences of migration, immigration, trauma, memory, longing, and belonging become factors or motivators of innovation and creation.