Rapports et publications

Exploring the Effectiveness of Place-Based Program Evaluations

This report explores the evaluation of nine place-based programs that have involved the federal government as a key funder or partner. It is based on a series of interviews with evaluators, federal program officers, and community representatives. The report provides insights into the evaluation frameworks,…

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Settlement of Newcomers to Canada

This collection of articles will raise awareness—within the social work profession, contribute to knowledge and skills for practice, and promote the roles and functions of social work among the policy makers and practitioners in the field of immigrant and refugee settlement […]

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Local Immigration Partnership Councils: A Promising Canadian Innovation

It is in this evolving context of immigration policy challenges and opportunities that the Local Immigration Partnership Councils (LIPs) introduced through the 2005 Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement (COIA) represent an important and timely Canadian innovation.  The rest of this paper elaborates this point, analyzing the emergence…

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La Réorganisation de l’Établissement et de l’Intégration

La présente étude a été commandée par l’ACSEI‐CISSA, l’Alliance canadienne du secteur de l’établissement des immigrants‐Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance. Fondé en mars 2005, cet organisme a pour mandat de représenter le secteur de l’établissement des immigrants et de lui permettre de consacrer son savoir‐faire…

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