Thèmes de recherche pancanadiens : 2015-2016
- L’intégration économique des immigrants au Canada
- L’intégration sociale et culturelle des immigrants au Canada
- Les partenariats multipartites conçus pour faciliter l’établissement et l’intégration des immigrants au Canada
- Les catégories de résidence temporaire au Canada
- Le rôle des organismes à but non lucratif et du secteur de l’établissement au Canada
- La santé et le bien-être des immigrants au Canada
- Les décisions des immigrants concernant leur destination d’habitation au Canada
- Les populations immigrantes à risque au Canada
Pan-Canadian Research Themes: 2015-2016
In order to focus P2P national and regional research on the stated needs of our partners and interests of our collaborators, P2P establishes a list of priority research themes each year. These are developed through extensive consultations and provide a focus for new research projects, Call for Proposals, the national conference, and workshops. The themes for 2015-2016 are:
- Economic Integration of Immigrants in Canada
- Social and Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Canada
- Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Designed to Facilitate Immigrant Settlement and Integration in Canada
- Temporary Resident Streams in Canada
- Role of the Settlement Sector and Not-for-Profits in Canada
- Health and Well-being of Immigrants in Canada
- Location Decisions of Immigrants to Canada
- At-Risk Populations of Immigrants in Canada