In a Country Faraway: The Challenges Experienced by High School International Students in BC

This mixed-method study aims to provide an overview of the adjustment challenges of high school international students and to compare these challenges to those experienced by international students in higher education as found in the literature. This research also intends to provide a better understanding of the acculturation process by examining different models of cultural adaptation and their relevance to the experiences of high school international students. In the first stage of this research, the Ward and Kennedy (1999) Sociocultural Adaptation Scale will be used to measure the degree of difficulty associated with interpersonal and daily life situations. In the second stage, the students who indicated an interest to participate in face to face interviews will be met to provide insights into their knowledge of culture shock and discuss in more detail the challenges they faced at the time of arrival and at the time of the interview.


Brenda Langlois
Degree: Masters of Education in Educational Leadership
Status: Completed
University: Vancouver Island University
Link to completed thesis