Promoting Welcoming Communities: A Toolkit for Communities and Those Who Support Them

Pathways to Prosperity is pleased to announce the launch of our second Welcoming Communities Toolkit – Promoting Welcoming Communities: A Toolkit for Communities and Those Who Support Them. This toolkit features a variety of practices and programs that can be used to address and improve each of the characteristics of a welcoming community, as identified in Toolkit I: Measuring Welcoming Communities. Our goal is to mobilize and facilitate the exchange of ideas and information related to each characteristic of a welcoming community for those who are looking to improve their practices or develop new ones. This sharing of knowledge creates efficiencies for those supporting newcomers, as they can learn from each other’s experiences and expertise, building on both individual and collective success.

Each tool provides an overview of the characteristic and details of relevant practices that can support it.

For each practice, we provide the following information:

  • Name of practice, and name and type of lead organization(s)
  • Links to relevant websites, key documents, and media describing each practice
  • Description of the practice, including: a) overview and goals, and b) key features
  • Tags to identify: (i) the target recipients or audience, (ii) location in which the practice is currently established, and (iii) size(s) of communities in which the practice is currently implemented

In the coming months, we will continue to release practices relevant to each of the characteristics of a welcoming community on a rolling basis. We see this toolkit as a living document and plan to update it on a regular basis. Thus, we welcome suggestions for additional practices that align with each characteristic, as we strive to optimize our impact.

To submit your suggestions, please send the following information to with the subject line: “Promoting Welcoming Communities”:

  • Name of the practice
  • Characteristic to which it is relevant
  • Links to further information

By working together, we hope to engage all interested parties in contributing to and benefitting from this toolkit, ultimately promoting more welcoming communities across the country.