Pathways to Prosperity 2020 National Conference: Registration

The Future of Immigration and (Re)Settlement in Canada

November 23-24, 2020: Pathways to Prosperity Annual National Conference

November 25, 2020: P2P Conference for Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone

A Virtual Conference



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Pathways to Prosperity is pleased to be holding a virtual conference this year, with many of the features of our in-person conferences for which we have come to be known. This includes plenaries, a keynote speaker, workshops, posters, exhibitors, and opportunities to network with colleagues. Join researchers, service providers, Local Immigration Partnerships, Réseaux en immigration francophone, representatives of all levels of government, and others working in the area of immigration for a three-day event on immigration in an increasingly complex environment.

On Monday November 23 and Tuesday November 24, the P2P Annual National Conference will run from 11:00 AM EST to 4:45 PM EST, with evening activities on November 23 for interested parties. The conference will focus on immigration and (re)settlement in Canada in this time of a worldwide pandemic and increased awareness of the racism and discrimination facing immigrants every day. We will discuss the challenges and opportunities for change now and in the coming years.

  • Day 1 – Immigration and (Re)Settlement in the Time of a Pandemic
    The first day of the conference will focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigration and (re)settlement in Canada. We will discuss the vulnerabilities of Canada’s immigration and (re)settlement policies and practices exposed as a result of the pandemic, including the impact of COVID-19 on marginalized groups and those providing services to these groups, as well as the resiliencies that have been evident in addressing these vulnerabilities. We will also discuss principles for action based on what we have learned, and recommendations for optimizing future immigration policy and immigrant (re)settlement and integration in Canada.
  • Day 2 – Toward a Racism and Discrimination Free Canada
    The second day of the conference will focus on the prevalence and impact of racism and discrimination toward immigrants in Canada, and how we can actively work toward a racism and discrimination free Canada. There is extensive evidence demonstrating that discrimination toward immigrants is primarily based on racial, ethnic, and religious differences, and that a lens of intersectionality must be applied if we wish to reduce the discrimination that immigrants face daily in our society. We will explore these issues, linking them also to the vulnerabilities revealed by the pandemic and its differential impact on marginalized immigrant groups. We will hold multi-level discussions of these issues with the goal of developing actionable recommendations for change.

On Wednesday November 25, the full day conference for Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone will run from 11:00 AM EST to 4:45 PM EST, focusing on upcoming priorities set by these collaborative enterprises.

  • The Evolution of Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone in Effecting Change
    As has become a tradition for P2P Annual National Conferences, this day is dedicated to discussing priorities for the Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone. This year the Conference will focus on the role of Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone in promoting welcoming commu-nities through activities combating racism and discrimination, and in responding to new challenges in order to support immigrants and immigrant-serving agencies. We will discuss not only the activities that LIPs and RIFs have developed to address these issues, but the evolving and expanding role of LIPs and RIFs in these areas.

What the Virtual Conference Offers

  • Plenary Sessions and Breakout Workshops
    The plenary sessions and breakout workshops will focus on the themes outlined above. Attendees will be able to participate through a live Q&A session held at the end of each session. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided during the plenary sessions. PowerPoint presentations for the plenary sessions will be available in English and French.
  • Posters: Opportunities to Discuss Poster Presentations Live – More than 30 posters will be presented
    Poster presenters will be given a dedicated page on the virtual Pathways to Prosperity 2020 National Conference platform on which to provide a summary, upload their posters in PDF format, and upload an optional video presentation about the poster content. P2P will encourage attendees to visit the posters at predefined times. Attendees will be able to connect with poster presenters through a private text chat or private video call to learn more about the presentations, ask questions, and make new connections.
  • Attendee Networking: Live Conversations through 1-1 Video Calls and Text Chats
    We know that networking is an important aspect of attending events, and we are aiming to provide attendees with a virtual networking experience that replicates in-person events. Attendees of the virtual Pathways to Prosperity 2020 National Conference will be able to connect with other registered attendees via a private 1-1 chat or video call built into the system. This goes beyond many other virtual platforms, offering the opportunity for a private video call without requiring any downloads or third-party video conferencing accounts.
  • Group Networking: Start A Discussion Forum and Share Ideas and Information in a Virtual Video Group Meeting
    While planning the virtual Pathways to Prosperity 2020 National Conference, we recognized that attendees appreciate the opportunity to come together for impromptu group discussions. At P2P, we wanted to give you a platform to do just that. For example, a new idea may come to mind during a plenary or workshop session, and you may want to continue the conversation around these topics after the session. Or you may want to hold a discussion on a new topic and invite others to share information and their views. The group networking feature on our virtual conference platform will allow attendees to create discussion topics and rooms, and join in live group video calls with other attendees.
  • Exhibitors: Connect in Real Time
    Exhibitors at the virtual Pathways to Prosperity 2020 National Conference will be given a dedicated page to showcase their company, products and services, and list the team members attending the conference. They will also have the ability to provide direct links to websites and social media channels, upload documents, and publish a video. Attendees can access this information, book a meeting, and connect via private text messaging and 1-1 video calling that is set up instantly through our virtual platform. They are not required to have their own video conferencing account, as this facility is part of the P2P virtual conference. Additionally, exhibitors can host live video meetings at their booths to groups of attendees. This experience will mimic the on-site experience, allowing attendees to view demos, ask questions, and learn more.
  • Entertainment and Live Discussion Rooms
    On the evening of November 23, the conference will provide entertainment and live discussion rooms. More information will be released shortly.



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Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities

A variety of exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Sonali at for more information.


If you have any questions, please contact us at

We look forward to you joining us for the virtual P2P Conference,
The Pathways to Prosperity Team