Biographie et coordonnées


Sara Vieira

Position actuelle:   PhD Candidate

Affiliation institutionnelle:   University of British Columbia

Lieu:   Colombie-Britannique

Secteur:   Universitaire - étudiant de cycles supérieurs ou postdoctorant
  • Établissement et livraison de services
  • Intégration sociale et culturelle
  • Intégration politique et civique

Langues:   English Portuguese


I am interested in Luso-Canadian transnationals’ experiences re-integrating in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) after living in central Portugal. Further, I am researching the services, community engagement, and organizational power of the established Portuguese community in the GTA. I seek to understand what is available in the community for these transnational migrants including service provision, language classes (both English and Portuguese), and integration methods.