Seminar by Chedly Belkhodja: The instrumentalization of international students in Canadian immigration policies: discourses, practices and realities

Poitiers, France

Chedly Belkhodja, professor of political science at the Université de Moncton, will be leading the following seminar at Migrinter on May 16. Migrinter is a research laboratory specializing in the study of international migration and ethnic relations and it is hosted by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société de Poitiers .

Seminar description:

With the growing need for skilled workers and the problem of the recognition of qualifications obtained abroad, international students are becoming a highly important immigration category. Over the past ten years, in Canada, as in other countries, a closer link is being developed between immigration policies and international students. With the increase in international students, the role of universities is being transformed. Our research focuses on the process of internationalization of universities located in regions that are less marked by migration flows.

In small communities, the University can play a significant role in economic development and in establishing links with other stakeholders on immigration: governments, municipalities and economic actors. The university campus is a good place to understand new identity dynamics in environments that are characterized by a low number of immigrants and a local population more homogeneous than those living in larger urban centers. The campus can be presented as an interesting laboratory of diversity to understand and analyze. This is especially true in minority Francophone communities, which are relatively homogeneous and that suffers from both low birth rate and linguistic assimilation. From several fields of investigation, we analyze and question the various internationalization strategies that universities have set up in order to attract foreign students, their integration policies and practices and their efforts in regards to retention.

The Seminar will be held at Mshs room Gargantua.

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