Recognizing Learning, Skills and Competencies: Strengthening Today’s Workplace for a Better Tomorrow

Westin Nova Scotian Hotel
Halifax, Nova Scotia
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Organizer: The Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment  

Learning is important in a world where change is constant and the requirements of the workplace are evolving. Employers are scrambling to stay competitive while workers are seeking ways to prepare for their next job. Organizations want to develop standards and ensure quality by hiring skilled workers. However it is challenging to determine the level of skills and abilities of newcomers and experienced Canadians without the appropriate assessment tools in place. If most adults receive their formal schooling when they are young, we cannot rely solely on academic achievements to determine someone’s suitability for a job, over time. The focus of the 2012 Recognizing Learning conference will be on employer engagement and how the recognition of prior learning (RPL) can be used strategically to establish a stronger match between job requirements and the knowledge, skills and abilities of the job seeker.