National Francophone Immigration Week

From November 1st to 7th, 2015, French-speaking communities across Canada willl be celebrating the 3rd annual National Francophone Immigration Week, with this year’s theme “Building Community through Diversity”! From British Columbia to Newfoundland, through Ontario and the territories, the week will be marked by a wide range of events that will showcase Francophone immigration and diversity in our communities.

National Francophone Immigration Week is an initiative of the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (Federation of Francophone and Acadian Communities of Canada, FCFA) and the Réseaux en immigration francophone (Francophone Immigration Networks, RIFs) to celebrate Francophone immigration and diversity. It’s an opportunity to recognize newcomers’ contributions to the vitality and dynamism of Francophone communities outside of Quebec, as well as to showcase these communities’ efforts to attract, welcome, and support the integration of newcomers. It’s also an opportunity to create and strengthen ties between Francophone immigrants and host communities.

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