Biographie et coordonnées
Luc Theriault
Affiliation institutionnelle:
University of New Brunswick
- Établissement et livraison de services
- Intégration économique
- Travailleurs étrangers temporaires et étudiants internationaux
I have worked with Michael Hann on the strengths and challenges of settlement agencies in New Brunswick ( and I have published with Cathy Holtmann on immigrant women’s experiences of precarity versus in- and out-migration in New Brunswick (Holtmann & Theriault, 2017, Int. J. Migration and Border Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 98-112). With C. Holtmann, H. Ramos and J. Randall I am preparing a SSHRC IDG application entitled “Immigration and labour force challenges as seen from the perspective of employers in the maritime provinces.”