Biographie et coordonnées


Abdellatif Baoud


Position actuelle:   LIP Chair

Affiliation institutionnelle:   Atlantic Human Services Inc.

Lieu:   Atlantique

Secteur:   Partenariat local d'immigration
  • Établissement et livraison de services
  • Intégration économique
  • Intégration sociale et culturelle

Langues:   Bilingual


15 + years of experience including management of private and not for profit organizations, consulting, training and coaching, employment counselling, teaching, curriculums & workshops design, and immigration.

A bilingual leader with diverse backgrounds (Law and Business, Education, Immigration). I accomplished my MBA in 2014 and a bachelor in Private Law in 2007. As a LIP Chair for the Greater Moncton Area, I am working with all members to implement the Greater Moncton Immigration Strategy and provide a better framework to understand the needs of newcomers, the gaps in service delivery and the process by which collaboration can lead to much better outcomes for newcomers. .